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Microsoft Dynamics 365 licensing changes

Microsoft Dynamics 365 licensing changes

On July 2019, Microsoft announced that there will be Microsoft Dynamics 365 licensing changes effective October 1, 2019. Clients that are currently on month to month agreements through CSP will have an immediate effect. For any account that is on a yearly or multiyear agreement, these price changes will have an impact at the time of contract renewal.

So, what is in store for the existing clients?

  • Microsoft had bundles of functionality- Dynamics Plan and Unified Operations licenses. Now they have come up with new offerings.
  • Based on specific base application, client will license each application separately.
  • If there is usage of multiple applications by user, they will have to opt for a base license plus the required additional application.
  • To understand all these license changes, lets first understand some Microsoft definitions associated with the new changes
  • Base License: Each user must have a base license, which is higher priced based on the multiple Business Application and may require another base license based on the requirement. For e.g. Talent, Project Service Automation (these applications are not available as attach licenses)
  • Attach License: These licenses are added on the base licenses. Each attach license can only be used by a user having a base license.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Licensing Changes
Why Is This Change In Licensing Model?
This is for the better “choice” for the customers. Customers can analyze their business requirement and purchase applications based on their requirement.
Licensing Model
To know more about the change in licensing price and further updates and assistance you can drop us your query at [email protected]


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