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Benefits of Microsoft 365 for business

Benefits of Microsoft 365 for business

How would a work environment look which includes all your favorite office applications and lets you work securely from anywhere you wish?

Our requirement in the current scenario has changed, we work remotely and with the remote work culture, you need simple and secure solutions that help transform your business and get things done seamlessly from anywhere. The benefits of Microsoft 365 for business can help reach your goals of serving your customers, getting things done from almost anywhere.

80% of regular employees expect to work from home a minimum of 3x per week once Covid-19 restrictions lift.

Surveyed firms gained up to 163% ROI over 3 years by improving employee productivity and reducing IT prices with Microsoft 365 for Business.

Top challenges for today’s businesses

Enable remote work. Businesses, be it SMB’s or enterprises all need easier, faster, and secure ways to operate and support their customers.

Strengthen security. Protecting sensitive data has become more challenging due to the current remote work format, in which small businesses are more vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

Reduce costs & complexity. With the environment of an uncertain economy in the post-Covid-19 market you need to work with a pocket-friendly budget but with the best of technology in place.

Support growth. We need solutions that may extend simply and affordably as your business changes and grows, while not requiring vital up-front investment.

Benefits of Microsoft 365 for business

  1. Be more productive almost anywhere with real-time collaboration.
  • Cloud-based Office apps work with people almost anywhere.
  • Videoconferencing, chat, calling and emails be it any mode, lets you stay in touch with your co-workers.
  1. Help protect your business information with technology you can trust.
  • Protect against data malware, unauthorized access, and accidental deletion using built-in safeguard techniques.
  1. Enabling multi-factor authentication to safeguard user access.
  2. Optimize costs & management with a single, secure solution for teamwork.
  • Replace standalone software with a single, totally managed platform that features workplace apps and real-time collaboration including videoconferencing.
  • Start with a thought that’s right for your business and add additional capabilities merely and affordably as required.

Choose the right fit for your business with Business Experts Gulf. Contact us at [email protected]

To know more you can have a brief read about M365 plans here:


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